File Manager

Here is the section for you to upload and manage your files on
the server besides FTP Clients.
1) Upload files to your account.
2) Edit text and HTML files in your account.
3) Create folders in your account.
4) Copy or move files within your account.
5) Delete files or folders from your account.
This is the most easier way when FTP Clients was not available.
Below is description of some function.
New Page
Click on the New Page button will bring you to the HTML
Editor Page. Click here for more about HTML
New File
This New File button will open up the document editor that allow you to create a new html
page or document.

You can create a new html page or document by using this document editor. You could also
use this editor to overwrite current files in your account by typing the file name in the
"Filename to save file" text box and checking the "Replace Existing File"
check box below it. Click on "Save Changes to File" if you wish to save changes to
the file or click on "Discard Changes" if you wish to return to the main screen
without making any changes.
New Dir
When click on the New Dir button, it will bring you to the new window that for you to
create a new directory.

You can create new directory folders in your account by keying in the folder name you wish
to create and clicking on "Create Directories". You can create 5 directory folders at
each time. If you wish to create more folders, repeat the above steps again.
Edit Files

This function will help you edit the files in your account. Check the box in which you want
to edit the file. Then click on "Edit File" which will bring you to a text editor in
which you can edit the file.

After editing the file, click on "Save Changes to file" to save changes or
"Discard Changes" if you wish to discard changes.
Tick on selected file to change permission and click on

Set the permission for the file by checking on the checkbox.
Then click Update Permission.
Click on Download to download the file.
Click on HTML to edit the file using HTML
Click on Edit to edit the file using the text
This function will help you copy, rename or move files in your account. Check the box in
which you want to copy the file. Then click on "Copy Files" which will bring you to a
screen like the one you see below.

Select the File that you wish to copy and then click on Copy Button.

Select the files or folders you wish to delete by checking the check box next to the file

Click on "Delete Files" to delete the files.
Upload Files
Clicking on "Upload Files" will bring you to a new window like the one you see
Click on browse to browse your hard disk and choose the files you wish to upload. You can
also rename the file by typing the new file name in the "Filename to Save As" text
box. Click on "Upload Files" when you have selected all the files to be uploaded.
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